
如果買twitter粉絲你也想成為下一位爆紅創作者,請打開下方資訊欄連結一起來投稿吧。yeah, so many vegetables, mushrooms and top skin。 this is also very popular這卡機拍那個。oh, we are now in having luweway in taiwan is like a brace, vegetable meat。yeah, very so uh, you use this uh basket grab any like, would you would like to and they will have a like special flavor soup to cook。so you can have one vegetables, one noodles and a lot of side dishes here。 yes。 have you tried this people really, this is like the most famous taiwanis straight, tthe soil oah。i'll tell you that we always avoid these laces because it's so intimidating, like you never never know, like what because you never read the menu。and i will always see people keicpicpicup things who, ok就是we only give this you just for the straight in the bus。 don't make it all好嘞。我沒酒呀,可以可以,你也沒怎麼買車車,這個有逼呢?i t's。 so overwhelyeyeah然後我就may be this, and that's這是already a lot。

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